I recently put up a poll asking how ambitious community members were in multifamily, ranging from 1 to 5. What I didn’t anticipate was someone adding their own option: Used to be, but the industry isn’t as rewarding as it used to be. This throw-in poll option suddenly surged to 24% of the poll responses. Our industry has a problem – our teams are burnt out, feeling unappreciated, and for many, the wild ride that is multifamily simply isn’t paying off anymore.
In this new, challenging environment, employee engagement is that much more important, so I sat down with Shelley Watson, Executive Vice President of Operations at Morgan to learn what they have done to achieve award-winning success on the employee engagement front. She shares insights into how they assessed their strengths and weaknesses, how they leveraged consistent touchpoints with their team members with the help of Swift Bunny, and what changes they implemented to work towards constant improvement in this space. She also shares some “low hanging fruit” that all companies should be implementing at their own company.