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Focusing on Your Competition

Focusing on Your Competition

image1 (1)The photo above has been all over the internet this week and has caused quite a bit of hype. The quote to go along with it is very fitting, “Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners.” The purpose of that quote is to motivate you to focus on your own goals, on your own successes, and your own “race” to get there.

I agree with all of that. But, based on my day today, and seeing this photo all over my newsfeed, it dawned on me that we can look at it in an all together different way. As a reminder to actually focus on your competition.

My boss came for a site visit today and while she was there we went out and about searching for a new property that had just opened down the road from us. One comp visit turned into a second and third comp visit. Which, I hate to admit, since I’ve been in Georgia, I’ve hardly had an opportunity to go out and do this, but shopping comps with your boss, well mine anyhow, is an altogether different experience. And a ton of fun.

While I’m usually always heavily focused on the leasing presentation and pricing, my extremely detail oriented boss is focused on those things as well as whether the televisions in the Athletic Club were on, the undermount lighting in the kitchen, the trees surrounding the community, the picture of the ostrich over the bed in the model……every single small detail.

It was an altogether different experience to shop comps with her, and was a friendly reminder that everyone sees things differently, what’s important to you, is not necessarily important to your prospect. Perspective. Same goes with this photo. You see someone who is focused on the competition, and it made him fail because of his lack of focus on his own goals. I see someone focused on the competition and who is trying to be better than….regardless of the end result.

And as my boss said as we were walking out of one of the properties, “You need to tell the girls to get out and see the comps, it’s a good way for them to see how all the details matter when they’re on the other side of the leasing desk. It’s going to give them a different perspective.”