It's no secret that multifamily professionals have to wear a lot of hats. For any non-marketers who have been thrown into the ring, what is the best piece of advice you've been given to navigate/learn marketing for multifamily?
Munish Gandhi is friends with Lindsey Smith
There are so many factors to consider when establishing your property budget. And prioritizing them can be difficult. One factor that is often overlooked when it comes to budget priorities is how technology investments can improve the working environment for your team. Last year employee turnover at property management companies was a staggering 33%—more than 10% higher than the national average, according to the National Apartment Association. ...
Balancing a budget for a multifamily property is no easy feat. It's a constant balancing act while companies try to curb spending and maximize their ROI, while also offering a pleasant working environment focused on efficiency and customer service. Most of the time that's easier said than done. But a little research can go a long way, at least in terms of finding the right technology partner to help you reach your goals. So let's take a look a ...
We all know apartment reviews hold significant power in shaping the reputation of multifamily properties. But recently, apartment communities have become increasingly targeted by spam or fraudulent reviews with potential to mislead prospects and undermine the credibility of genuine, positive feedback. Have you noticed the recent uptick in spam reviews for your community? If so, you're not alone. Here are a few ways you can fight back against fra ...
Lauren Niziol is friends with Lindsey Smith
You've done it. Your property is finally at 100% occupancy. It's okay… you can humble brag a little, you earned it! Reaching 100% occupancy is no easy feat. Now the question is, what are you going to do to maintain it? There may be solutions out there that can help you keep that high occupancy rate without having to lift a finger. Maintaining high occupancy = sales 101 Some of the first things you learn in sales is the importance of (1) cross-s ...
How confident are you in using your current CRM platform?
One way to ruin your morning: Reading a one-star review before you've had the chance to finish your coffee. Sometimes they're inevitable, but many of them are preventable. Providing an outlet for residents to speak up about their experiences before they head to the world wide web is essential for maintaining your online reputation. So how can on-site teams keep tabs on their residents while also focusing on their never-ending list of daily tasks ...
How frequently do you communicate with your residents via SMS messaging?
This week the Biden Administration released The White House Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights, acting on a promise to ease the burden of housing costs, and encourage more
By now everyone has heard of ChatGPT. This “new” artificial intelligence technology is sweeping the internet with its ability to write and communicate like a human (it’s almost creepy—right?). And we’re seeing the ripple effect from other industries that have yet to embrace AI technology. Teachers are panic ...
Ready for a vocabulary lesson? The verb google (with a lower-case g) was entered into Webster’s dictionary in July 2006, cementing the search engine as the world’s go-to public reference site just five years after its launch.Flash forward 16 years and Google has become an invalu ...