Has anyone converted their community's resident parking from free to paid before?
Any good lessons in doing that? Mistakes you made, communication tips, etc?
Random question, but I'm curious, how did y'all's communities get their names? Did the developer just pick a name they liked? Did some agency get hired to come up with a good one?
Any particularly great or particularly bad apartment building names you've seen?
Help! Ownership is asking for our recommendation on setting parking prices for a new community (200 unit midrise) we're managing.
Q: Do you charge for parking at your community? If so, how much do you charge for which spots and under what circumstances? And most important — why and how did you decide on that?
We had to do this when we went no smoking. 90 days notice before new leases and renewals would start requiring no smoking. Every renewal becomes beholden to the new rules. Every new rental has this in the lease and are notified that this is a transisiton. Month to month folks had to sign a separate addendum. Constant communication was put out. Signs all over the property for when it would start and be enforced.
Make sure there is a reminder that this will be on the new renewals and parking enforcement will begin. Make sure all new tenants are aware of the transision and to follow their lease. Even if older residents say otherwise. Set a date a year from your last "old" lease for when this will be complete.
Do it through the lease agreement. Protect yourself legally. Protect your reviews. Give your resident time to... Show more