Nonrenew her if you can. You didn’t do anything wrong, she’s just being extra. I’d go as far as banning her from the office and amenities. She is disrupting the peace and the community.
Anytime she says she is suicidal I would call the cops and report it and maybe try to contact her emergency contact. I would also send her a 24 hour notice to vacate “since we can not make you happy in your home we have decided to let you out of your lease without penalty”. Have you talked to your corporate office? What did they recommend?
If you have good management, and have done all you have been able to, which it sounds like you have. A written petition won't do anything. Just non renew her at end of lease. If she says anything about suicide, involve police.
All the above and remember your employment is not based on a democracy. Residents get confused about that. Some residents will sign the petition to get away from her not you. She is not giving them all the facts.
I had a resident tell me she was suicidal. I called 911 and ems came and determined she was a danger to herself and took her involuntarily to the hospital. She yelled at me whe she got back and I told her I take those words seriously and it is my duty to report.
I can't see how you would approve a request for reasonable accommodation that actively disturbs the peaceful enjoyment of other peoples housing. Expecting someone else to move because the other is being disruptive is placing the burden squarely on the shoulders of those who are expecting you to uphold your responsibility to provide them safe quiet housing.
Involve your attorney. I’d probably send a 7 day to the woman walking for petitions to immediately cease. It’s a disruptive behavior toward the neighborhood.
I would definitely notify your supervisor that they may get this supposed petition. I'd also ask then if they have suggestions on how to handle the original complaint.
Playing devils advocate that yes she should get something as she is disturbing/soliciting door to door. Now, have you ever heard someone having night terrors? When I got my grandson from foster care and his mom, whew the screams were horrible and scared me to death. At the same time, he could not hear me in the night terror to calm him down. I had to just hold him and read assure I was there. The owner/landlord lived below me and fortunately he understood. I feel bad for all involved, but disability also does not give a person the right to disturb neighbors. By the way it took him almost 2 years to get out of it.
Heidi Morales we found out about him at 1 12 yrs old because someone else was in birth cert. I got him out of foster care and he is now 7. It has been a tough road, but I feel for this individual. At the same time the resident that doesn't want to move etc seems as though her pride is involved and just don't want someone with disabilities as her neighbor
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I’d have your attorney send her a letter that restates the options to transfer or terminate. Make sure to give an expiration date for the offer. They can also shut down her going door to door. It will work like a charm!