I voted for childcare. I’ve actually heard of parents putting business meetings on their calendar in the morning so they could attend to their children’s needs, such as getting them to and from school, doctors appointments and what not. This is hard on the family unit in 2023. Especially when the family unit might only consist of one parent. Easing the family burden at home can strengthen a business.
Dustin N. Thank you for you’re post. It’s not a easy when there’s only one parent in the home either. As a single mom, I’m thankful for the flexibility afforded to me at my current job. However, this year the after school program was understaffed and even though my daughter has attended the last 4 years, she is on the waitlist. With 15 kids in line ahead of her. After school costs about $75 a week but since it was full and I work full time and cannot pick her up until 530 (school is out at 2:30), I had to find a daycare close that offered transportation from the school. The cost? $350 a week.
I think the flexibility to do what we need to as parents and especially single parents. Daycare hours don't always work and/or children get sick, have appointments, etc. There is some flexibility but not enough. Extra sick days for parents so they can tent to their children but still take care of themselves when they are sick. For those that don't have children there could be an alternate option of some kind. Thank you Dustin for pointing out that helping to ease someone's family responsibility can also strengthen a business. It's so very true!