How do you wash your parking garage?? I have a 6 floor parking garage that needs to be power washed. I don’t want complaints!! Even if I tell certain floors to move their cars on certain days I’m nervous water may leak through cracks and drip upon vehicles on lower levels. What are some tips or suggestions for washing a parking garage in the best way?? My maintenance team will be doing the job. Thanks!!
LOTS of notices in advance. If you don’t do it with enough notice, you’ll get people who will call and say they just left to go out of town and can’t move their car. Make a sign by the entrance of the garage reminding people. I once used hot pink poster board and made signs indicating where pressure washing would start and stop each day. Make sure your notices say something like “management not responsible for damage (for failure to move your vehicle)”. If you have neighboring businesses, see if you can get permission to have your residents park there during the day.
t will leak down to the next level, unfortunately, the only way is to notify residents far in advance that all cars must be removed when scheduled. Your maintenance team will not be able to get it as clean as a professional due to the pressure given by the equipment. A professional can complete all levels in one day
Its dirty water that residents don’t want leaving crap on their cars. High rise buildings typically have high end clientele that pay a lot for their rent, parking, and cars.