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Hey Multifamily Fam! Looking to see what some of the small to midsize PM companies out there are charging as "Fee for Service" platform items (thinking DD, marketing audits, micro/macro market surveys, ancillary leasing, etc.) Looking to compare some of the pricing items that we're getting bids on.
Thanks in advance, everyone!


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I read a quote somewhere that said ‘Your job might be special and a privilege, but it’s not what makes YOU special’!
Somewhere, over the years, I have realized that it is not healthy to have so much of our self worth tied up in something, like our job, that is essentially a means to an end ~ it is not WHO we are!
KNOW that your job is NOT your reason for being. KNOW that you have value with or without a job! Let's all learn to live in the...
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Kara Rice Gerry, YES! Or as Toni Morrison put it, in a lesson she learned from her father:
1. Whatever the work is, do it well—not for the boss but for yourself.
2. You make the job; it doesn’t make you.
3. Your real life is with us, your family.
4. You are not the work you do; you are the person you are.
Melissa D. White So Good! I needed this today, Gerry. Thank you for sharing!
Fred Montgomery Thank you Gerry ❤️
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I am about to take over a new community that is 50% studios between 400-500 sqft. I would love to hear any ideas/suggestions on getting these leased up! Thanks all!

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Anyone really proud of a TikTok page you’ve built for a property or company? Drop it in the comments so we can follow?

Guest Insider Ilumina Zephyrhills!!
Mya Estrada Love seeing these TikTok pages!
Guest Insider @goindigoliving on TikTok - we’re having lots of fun!
Guest Insider Wesley Apartments!!!!! Send us some love!!!!
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The privately owned company I work for has not changed quarterly bonus structure in many years & I’m curious what others are doing. Currently our company gives a flat bonus to Community Manager & Leasing Manager when NOI goal is reached. Does not give commission on new leases & renewals or to...


Tina Vassaur I absolutely think bonuses are a great incentive but I think it has to be recognized properties many properties are not performing due to all the increases in expenses and higher delinquency , bad debt and vacancy . End of the day the cash flow is a business plan. If Cash flow is not happening , we can’t expect ownership to pay out of pocket for bonuses . It does suck but it is the hard truth .
Jeff McDonald It’s amusing to hear complaints about increases in cost having offered free help to lower corp IT cost by 30% to virtually every NMHC50 and large TX operators with no takers. Apparently they’re good overpaying. Tough for cash cow industry leaders to accept help that could benefit employees 😔
Tina Vassaur I don’t disagree with you at all . End of the day employees take the hit for bad purchases and inflated proformas that are not possible to achieve .
Gerry Hunt BONUS! What's that?
Guest Insider Our company stopped paying bonuses. It’s very discouraging.
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Apartment Branding for Faster Lease-UpsWe've probably all heard at some point "Build it and they will come." But that little phrase carries a lot of questions with it: What should I build? Who will come? And how quickly will they come? It's just a phrase—but we'd like to offer as an alternative: "Brand it, and they will come faster!" In the multifamily industry, apartment branding hasn't always been the priority. Apartment communities are built o ...

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Sometimes when i can't sleep I'll play around with AI. Tonight I asked for a winter preparation checklist, and figured I'd share:
Preparing a multifamily apartment building for winter is crucial to ensure the safety and comfort of residents, as well as to prevent potential damage. Here’s a...


Mya Estrada Love seeing what AI can do! This is great, thank you for sharing!
Miles Scruggs Wow AI makes a lot of busy work.
1.) ensure snow removal and icing contractors are in place.
Optionally if needed check centralized heat if the building even has it.
Also optionally send out an email explaining to residents that winter is colder than summer and an obligatory “winter is coming meme”.
Brooke Donelson This is fantastic! Thanks for sharing Mark!
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Rents have reached an all-time high, and budgets seem tighter than ever. Payments to vendors like myself are being delayed, with many clients taking 60-90 days to pay. This makes it challenging to run a business and pay employees. Is anyone else facing this issue?

Robert Hoop "Our" company values our vendors. We are required to pay our invoices in a timely manner. Often times, vendors receive payment within 2 weeks. We are not permitted to pay invoices late. If a bill is paid late, our accounting department wants to know why the invoice was not submitted for payment. We expect our residents to pay rent on time. Why should our vendors expect anything less from us?
David Carchidi We have some clients/management companies with balances we’ve been trying to collect for over 300 days. Over $350k still owed (and most everyone knows who owes and won’t work with any longer!) They owe A LOT of vendors A LOT of money! But they still promote how great they are and have company retreats and club trips🙄🙄🙄
Guest Insider We love,respect and need our vendors! when we need something they are there for us bc they know we got them!
Nicholas Clayton What frikin company / ownership isn’t paying vendors?????????? What in the world?! The only time I ever remember delays like this was during the height of COVID. Really unacceptable. Most payments are received from me net 30 or possibly net 60 in very weird / unusual situations.
Donna Langford Nicholas Clayton unfortunately several, and I am a cleaning company with 42 employees We clean their clubhouses and their units to make sure they're ready for new residents to move.It's a shame that I have units that I have cleaned and residents have moved in four months ago at some properties and still have not been paid for the cleans.
Gerry Hunt Yes ~~ I am facing the same issues. I am still waiting for some payments from June. It hurts! 😞
Guest Insider Ya might need to find a different company- sounds like this company isn’t being managed correctly
Guest Insider Have not experienced this yet, we pay our vendors on time.
Chad Christian Welcome to 2024! This is becoming the norm. Not much anyone can do about it. Taxes and insurance alone has increased higher than the rents are.
Allie Gartside If it’s a large scale management company, reach out to corporate. Provide them your invoices, receipts of communication with property manager and regional manager.
If you still don’t get paid, do not return to the property until you are paid in full.
I’ve seen many negligent PMs and even RMs, who are not on it. Contact the highest person in charge that you can.
Miles Scruggs Good vendors are typically in short supply. That sort of behavior is completely disrespectful. It’s a version of taking a loan from you without asking. Just move along to other management companies if they are treating you this way. Unless you want it to continue.
Mike Powers I feel for small shops. I can really understand why any require 50% upfront on projects, goods, etc.
Guest Insider Most properties are fee managed and those properties sometimes have owners that won’t release the money to pay bills. In that situation there is nothing the management company can really do. Lots of movement with owners right now changing to different management companies. I’m also hearing some companies are in financial trouble. Definitely a sad situation for vendors. I would definitely call accounting for that management company and just ask them if the owner is not releasing funds or what’s happening.
Guest Insider My company is amazing and we pay so quickly. They make my job so much easier.
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 Sometimes the best acquisition opportunities aren't always where the crowds are–it's in the overlooked, the underestimated, and the emerging. While focusing on quick wins and familiar territories offers some stability, the most visionary investors see beyond high-level trends to uncover the next wave of high-growth residential markets. For those willing to dive deeper and align their investments with long-term trends, the rewards can be tra ...

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 Smoking and housing policies often intersect in ways that raise questions about resident rights and property management responsibilities. One common point of confusion is whether smoking or nicotine addiction qualifies as a disability under the Fair Housing Act (FHA). While marijuana use for medical purposes introduces its own complexities, this article will focus specifically on cigarette smoking and how the FHA applies in these cases.What ...

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Return on Investment (ROI) isn't just a finance metric; it applies to life decisions as well. It measures the return on a particular investment, considering factors like the initial investment, upkeep, and results. What if we approached all life investments with the same dedication to securing a positive return as we do with our financial investments? Consider where your investments are - in your career, family, friends, or hobbies. Are they... Show more

Return on Investment (ROI) isn't just a finance metric; it applies to life decisions as well. It measures the return on a particular investment, considering factors like the initial investment, upkeep, and results. What if we approached all life investments with the same dedication to securing a positive return as we do with our financial investments? Consider where your investments are - in your career, family, friends, or hobbies. Are they yielding the returns your desire or are changes needed?
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Hello Everyone!!! I'm new here...my name is Tia Kelley!!! Austin TX

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Trying to understand a concept..... 
We are highly occupied (95%), but we have a few apartments absolutely not moving due to terrible views. They are still HIGH PRICED and ownership will absolutely not drop rates due to our limited availability. Why would an ownership group prefer to keep rates set...


Laura Renaldo The balance sheet looks better with higher rates even with it vacant. Banks can't tell the difference.
Anonymous member Interesting.......do you mind explaining a little bit more? I hear what you're saying, but I still don't really understand. lol
Also - this is a lease up and on the market. I know they want to keep rates high for that purpose, as well. Just trying to not seem like a dummy. My brain just wants to fill ALL THE UNITS.
Leah Love Anonymous member the potential (GPR) for higher rent is what matters to lenders. And 95% May be their proforma.
Miles Scruggs Anonymous member for financing they are going to factor a vacancy rate of 5% anyway. Let’s play with some numbers. Say you have 200 units rented at $1000 at 95% occupancy. So now they are going to finance off a gross income of $2.28M. If you fill the last 5% at $800 then that will be a total gross income of $2.376M but they factor out 5% which gets you back to $2.2572M. Now if the bank is financing at a 7% cap rate that would mean that slight drop in revenue would changes the financing by roughly $326,000. Same thing is if they are grooming for a sale.
Now if ownership wants to keep those vacant and they aren’t chasing financing or a sale then they need to go sit in a corner and contemplate their life choices as they are foregoing your salary in lost rents.
Guest Insider But….vacancy loss can be a lot higher than lowering the rent by a little. You can always suggest keeping the market rent the same, and show a reoccurring concession every month for the $100-$200. But some owners hate concessions🤦🏻‍♀️
Allie Gartside I genuinely believe it is a mentality mindset over “financials”.
Having dealt with an A class property and multiple owners with insane net worths - even having them come in and being directly honest with them about a stale unit. I truly believe their mentality is “If they don’t want to pay the rate, someone else will.” And that someone will eventually come a long.
We had a street level studio loft unit. It was a really cool unit BUT, the patio was all concrete. No Sun ever. Zero natural lighting because the second building was smack dab, right against the other building. There was not a single closet in it, not a coat closet. Not a clothing closet, zero storage. THEN that unit opened their door and boom ALL the buildings mailboxes. Amazon prime days, who ever occupied that unit HAS to step over packages. Then to the left of their front door was the building door. So anytime, someone entered or exited the building, from the draft, that units door would rattle.
It was constantly people...
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Leah Love It decreases the value of the property when they lower it, which is harder to recover from.
Guest Insider Try setting it up as a mini model for the new resident to keep when they move in. Set up the bathroom with a shower curtain, rugs, etc and maybe something for the kitchen as well. You can get a box of pancakes, mixing bowl with mixing spoons, nice hand towels, etc. Something you can show and they fall in love with the cute little items for them to keep. Hope this works as it has for me. 😊
Guest Insider Unless the view is looking over the compactor / trash, I think $100-200 is too much of a discount to ask for. Maybe just request a negative amenity charge of $50 for bad views / positive $50 amenity charge for the really good ones. It should balance out on financials. Technically at 95% you are probably no longer considered in lease up, unless a 2nd phase is slated to start soon. So it’s all about numbers now vs occupancy, bc most developers do not do long holds on new assets.
Guest Insider See if they will let you give a discount off the first month only which will effectively lower the tenants rent but won’t hurt the rent roll.
Guest Insider Greed and stupidity
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Within the multifamily space, an abundance of opinions exist with regard to what most drives resident satisfaction and NOI. From the latest amenities to cutting-edge smart technology, owners and operators are trying it all. However, one growing-in-popularity tactic to improve the overall operations of a community is the implementation of a resident rewards program. The Numbers Speak for ThemselvesA Domuso survey administered at the 2024 NAA Apar ...

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Property management companies constantly look for ways to differentiate themselves while providing a seamless resident experience. One of the most effective strategies to achieve this is through white-label solutions. A white-label platform allows property management companies to rebrand an existing software solution, offering it to their residents as their own. This approach enables property managers to deliver a customized, branded digital expe ...

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A new handicap person rented a condo in our building. We have a handicap space across the street and at the next building up from us. This renter requested a handicap space be made available to her in front of our building. It will not be assigned, so anyone with handicap tags/plack will have access...


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