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This is very true! Our collections team thought that without their efforts 0% of the past due would come in. Once we empirically tested that theory we found how little those efforts actually mattered. The results were about 5-7% actually mattered which then enabled them to refocus energies on things that actually produced meaningful results and wouldn’t just happen organically.

This is very true!  Our collections team thought that without their efforts 0% of the past due would come in. Once we empirically tested that theory we found how little those efforts actually mattered. The results were about 5-7% actually mattered which then enabled them to refocus energies on things that actually produced meaningful results and wouldn’t just happen organically.
Donje Putnam Are you able to share the efforts that you studied and removed?
Miles Scruggs Donje Putnam the post was more about what people and actions are actually responsible for the results in general, collections was simply an example. We started with the initial premise of the collections which was “I did X today and was able to produce Y reduction in past due.” The feedback was instant and rewarding and on the superficial level, seemed like valid data to measure. Like most things though if you want to dig down to the difference between correlation and causation you need to control for variables and more importantly you need a control group. We created two groups one that normal collection efforts were continued and one where zero contact about past due was initiated on our end for 30 days (we lacked the courage to run it longer than that). We also kept our test group size to 150 residences. We let this run for only 3 months where we would only make contact after a month had past.
What we found is that of the people that went past due, 87% brought their accounts...
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