Guys the NAA lease agreement states there is no charge for access to the building & amenities. Does either of your properties provide fobs and if so, how do you label it on the move-in sheet etc?
Guest InsiderYou can charge a $45 “deposit”, then charge for replacements when lost or not turned in at move out
Jam ModesteThis May be the solution! Thanks, checking with our local attorneys for guidance.
Guest InsiderJam Modeste with most key fob software you can also just issue them their private code to use as well if they don’t want the convenience of the fob. With this system you will always know who’s entered and what time etc. so if their is vandalizing it’s easier to pin point who all was in during the timeframe the issue was reported
Guest InsiderThere should be a fob addendum where you can charge is they lose the amenity key or fobs. We only charge if they aren’t returned.
Chris FinettoThe NAA isn’t responsible for your NOI. There’s addendums for that stuff, you can also delete or strike irrelevant info.
Jam ModesteThanks everyone! We charge for lost keys etc. But also would like to charge for a key fob. However, I don’t think we can add an addendum to charge a fob, if the paragraph states we cannot charge for access. Checking with our attorney for guidance.
Guest InsiderJam Modeste charging for a lost or unreturned fob isn’t charging for access. We add the replacement fees where it discusses fob and key fees.
Megan GoodmundsonCharge for lost fob. But getting a fob issued at move in is included. Replacement is a fee.
Judy GreenWe do not charge for fobs and it is considered a key or other on the TAA lease. We do charge if lost or damaged.
Patty PetersonUpon move-in we have the NAA lease/addendums and we include a separate addendum that is from the system we use in Rent Manager that is called Apartment Damage Charges and there is a line item for lost or not returned keys
Guest InsiderMy last community list fobs on the lease in open section of lease and it states if not returned there is a charge
Guest InsiderEven though it’s an NAA lease each state slightly varies. Special provisions mentioned about is always a great solution for lacking content if your version doesn’t offer a fob charge area.