My property is entering Due Diligence for a sale and I have no idea what to expect. What reasons have you all seen of a buyer backing out after the due diligence period? We have been doing absolutely everything we can to prepare but I cannot help but feel some responsibility as a PM to properly...
As for being on the receiving end, don’t be discouraged if they don’t purchase. My property went through it a couple of times before it actually closed. It’ll all work out!
If your current company hasn't offered you a firm position "we are sending you here", walk a thin line and consider options fron the othe other company.
If neither company have made any firm offers, get your resume out ASAP.
New Company- when you meet them, ask them their plans, they know if they are considering you or bringing in their own manager, you have just as much right to find out their plan.
Best case: Try to get an opttion with your company and the new owner and be able to pick what's best for you.
But to Tracy's point, get ahead of it, and worry about YOU