Linda FischerMaybe not but you know what to be prepared for.
Mike PowersA corporate operating manual from 70 years ago suggested visiting candidates in their home prior to hiring.
Megan GoodmundsonIs it part of your application approval criteria? Are you peeking in every single applicants car ?
Guest InsiderThat is a big Jump and pretty hard to justify in court
Guest InsiderFake news! my kids need a toy, a blanket, a tablet and a snack. Whatever fits in my two arms makes it back in the house until the weekend when we clean it. This isn't 100% effective.
Guest InsiderThis is complete crap. I overheaed someone giving this "advice" to someone at a coffee shop too and I couldn't help but chuckle. My car is a hot mess because it's basically a mobile storage unit with no trash receptacles. Doesn't mean I want my living space to be the same, or that I wouldn't call a landlord when I see an issue on the house. (Speaking as a former renter who now owner-occupies a MF)
Michelle UeckeHad a tenant who kept herself and her car immaculate. After a bug complaint next door, inspected all area units. Found her apartment filled with several months of pizza boxes, dirty dishes, and partially empty pop cans in every room.
Guest InsiderThis is so off base. I could feed an entire army off the crumbs and stale goldfish in my car. And thanks to my oldest, my car smells like a hockey bag. My house definitely isn’t like that.
Guest InsiderYeah that’s a great way to get sued. If I do notice anything like that, I might point out some of the policies about keeping the home in clean and sanitary condition per the lease when going over the key points of the rules (but I usually mention that anyway) and I’ll ask maintenance to keep me posted between inspections, but you can’t disqualify anyone for a nasty car.
Guest Insiderlol. I’d become an attorney just to hear that as a reason to deny. Lol.
Guest InsiderFederal laws require you to vacate your common sense.
Don WilsonWhen I worked for Fath Properties it was a requirement to inspect the car before the applicant could be approved. We actually went to court over that and won.