Does anyone use QR codes on their signage? Do you think it is effective? Especially with student housing? ????
Leah LoveI’ve done it many times but I truly don’t think they’ll use it unless it’s enticing. But no harm in adding it. Track the scans.
Chris FinettoOh Hell Yeah… As a customer of student housing, the property had an assembly line when I was checking in my daughter. Each station had a QR code that linked to your docs or info - Lease, Parking, Access Cards, Keys, Renter Ins… The process was wildly efficient and effective… Met the manager later that day. 400 units (guessing 1500 beds) all students checked in one day. They had traffic cops directing traffic, frat guys helping move in. These guys had the process nailed down.
Brent WilliamsBack when QR codes needed a special code-reader app, I wasn't too interested, but now that it is integrated in the phone camera, I think it is an easy addition and I think (although can't say definitively) that people use it. That said, it may still need a call to action - a random QR code may not work?
Karen KossowQR Codes on signage for Self-Touring, Video Playlists, etc. appear to be working well.
Guest InsiderI’d be hesitant about adding a QR code to a monument sign because it might detract from the aesthetic. However, I'm fully on board with using QR codes on printed materials and internal signage. For example, in the laundry room, scanning the QR code could provide do's and don'ts, and in the fitness center, it could offer instructions for using the equipment. Anywhere QR codes have the potential to enhance content and improve the overall experience.
Guest InsiderI recently saw an article about QR codes in public places (particularly related to paid parking lots). Apparently the bad guys can create a decal of their own and paste it over an existing QR code. This enables them to capture information from your phone (probably as to how one is going to pay for the parking). It is a similar concept to the idea of skimmers in the gas station. So some of us are a bit more reluctant to engage with a QR code.
Philip MeyerWe are looking for someone who would like to test adding QR codes on signage for crowdsourcing photography. It’s pretty common with Weddings. But what about at resident events?