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I have a leasing agent that is ALWAYS late. Usually 15-20 mins. Other than that he’s pretty great. Over 100 leases in a year. Residents love his service and kind nature. He’s also the type who will stay as long as needed after office closing to do extra. He’s just not on time during most mornings. We’ve talked about it and it’s almost a joke at this point, but also very annoying and not funny. How would you handle?

Dee Wilson scattered schedules - if he comes in late he might be the one there for the last showing of the day while your team members who were there on time get to leave on time, its not a punishment its a compromise and it works.
Wendy DeSchoolmeester Shift his schedule. If he likes to stay late, have his shift start an hour later and end an hour later. If he's staying late to take care of residents or prospects, sounds like that's time the property should be open for business anyway.
Guest Insider Pick your battles! As long as there is someone else to open the office and there are no issues other than this I'd tolerate it as long as it didn't get worse. Maybe there's a legit reason, maybe that's just who they are. Id have a convo to that effect "hey youre a great employee, but you know youre like 15-20 late every day bro. Can we agree ill tolerate it as long as we're not having other issues and as long as youre not the only opener? If youre the only opener i really need you on time. Does that work for you" So hard to find great people!
Grace Law Speaking as an HR Mgr, that can lead to charges of discrimination. The charge may not be valid but your company would still have to pay to defend the claim.
I am not saying it can’t be done but to turn a blind eye for them but not for another leasing person may not turn out well.
I would go with shifting his schedule, providing there is adequate coverage.
Guest Insider 15-20 mins? That wouldn’t fly with me and I wouldn’t be altering schedules to fit someone being that late almost everyday. If talking about it isn’t working then I’d probably write him up. What if everyone started being that late? Can’t let one person be late all the time and not allow everyone else to be. Or what if the other person(s) in office has a late morning once in a blue moon. Just opening the office 20 min late because you can’t count on him to be there? Not cool
Guest Insider Adjust his hours. Make it a win win. Then if he is late cut him lose
Jeff McDonnold Promote him. He’s not being challenged. You just detailed how he’s crushing this current role. Get him into a more challenging role. If not, who really cares when a person shows up if they’re getting the job done. Would you rather have the leases and happy residents or someone sitting in a seat doing nothing for an extra 20min in the morning!
Guest Insider There's no correct answer. But yes if you make a compromise for him you must do for all. I personally would not write him up. It's very hard to find a great leasing agent that does a good job. Also sounds like he's good for the bottom line. That's just my opinion.
Guest Insider Ask him why? Maybe he has some problem (putting kids on a bus)? Other possibility is some type of learning disability that isn’t identified - causes those with the best of intentions to be unable to plan ahead and this becomes the result.
Guest Insider Change is work schedule. Have him come and hour later and stay open an hour longer.
Billy Aamodt Ooof. That's a shockingly accurate description of me 😬😆
Stacey Pichette I had this issue with a previous leasing agent and I actually asked them to start coming in earlier. I explained that showing up at 9 when the office opens or being late affects the entire team. Getting there by 8:30 allows time to inspect and sparkle the show units, make sure the tour path and amenities are clean, and be prepared for walk ins. When you’re on time and manage your time well, you won’t need to work late. *This is a verbal correction plan. If attendance doesn’t improve within 2 weeks, I issue a written warning citing the specific SOP’s and the date we discussed it* As managers, we have to hold our staff accountable.
Charity Zierten Does he say WHY he is late? Is he sharing a vehicle with someone? Is he waiting for childcare or elder care?
Obaid Khan Great question! I’m studying for my MBA and just took an HRM course that talked about this.
What I would do is have a serious discussion about the tardiness. If this is not handled, it can cause animosity towards other staff members and they may do the same. The employee needs to be good in all categories of their job, just not a few. Being on time is one of them. I’d start with verbal counseling. If this doesn’t help, then a write up, which can lead to suspension and then termination.
If this seems to be extreme, you may need to allow for all employees to have a 15 minute gap. However, I would not recommend this. Policies and rules are to be enforced and if this is not in the employee handbook, I’d steer away from it 🙂
You can try to adjust his schedule like others have said, and see if that works. However, I tried this with one of my employees that was in a similar situation and the tardiness continued.
Hope this helps!
Lisa Odle That’s me! Some people’s circadian rhythm is just different. Just deal with it, as long as there is someone else there to open. Change his schedule.
Shannon Clark 1. Punctuality is vital to business operations.
That said- can you just change his schedule?
He sounds great overall & his attendance hasn't slowed his performance, so the adjustment of schedule changes everyone's expectations, and ultimately the professional experience with his peers.
2. My ACD is legit 10 minutes late. Every. SINGLE.DAY. Like clockwork. And he lives onsite. It's just who he is. But when I tell you, no one is better, I mean it.
3. Why is he late? He may have something in hospital life you're unaware of...
Carletta Richardson-Cheeseboro Leave him alone. There is a lot going on in today’s world. Would you rather hire someone that comes to work on time but can’t produce leases? You also stated he stays longer to do extra…. So again, what is the issue?
Guest Insider I would leave it. I worked about 45 mins away with no traffic. With traffic is would be 2hrs one way. It was Santa Monica and I couldn’t afford to live there nor would I want to. It’s seriously gross and dangerous.
I never knew what my PCH commute was gonna throw me. I was always late. My manager was gracious and allowed it. She lived onsite, so she was always there to open the office.
I wasn’t late every single day but again, there were times a bad accident would happen and I’d have to turn around and go back the way I came, through the canyon and to the 101. I once got there at 11:30am.
I was also good, residents loved me and I loved the property too.
I would say if him being late is an issue, could be one of two things. Has ADHD, as we struggle with time blindness and it would be nice if that was taken into account.
You could also lie to him and give him a new schedule. Instead of starting at 8am, he’s to start at 7:30am. You could also say you need to be here by 8am, and...
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Melanie Underwood Great team members are hard to find and if 15 minutes in the morning is the only issue then an honest conversation of how can we make this work for both of us will likely resolve the problem. A few years ago I had to approach my regional to say with my kids school drop off schedule I could not make it in on time. It was a scary thing to bring up. I was prepared to accept it if she had said that was not okay and I would have found a different job. Instead she was more than accommodating and made sure the schedule worked for my reality. That simple acceptance of 20 minutes in my mornings gave me more value and buy in on my job than any pizza party or gift card ever could have. These are the moments that your actions say thank you to your team for being amazing.
Jose Maciel Have his schedule time stay the same kus some of us are only on time if we are late... But know yourself and the rest of you staff that he is not expected until a half hour later! Then he'll be 10-15 mins early! Lol.
In today's world unfortunately it seams to be the norm...
Karen Caprarella I had this problem once. Years ago I asked her what time she could arrive, because the late arrivals were driving me nuts 😀. She said 10 am, which was one hour later than the schedule was supposed to be. I said great, let’s set it for that time. She made it in on time, every day after that! Similar to your LA, she was great, except for this one issue. Working with her was great for the employee and for the property! Win, win!
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